Give a man a match, and he'll be warm for a minute, but set him on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.UU |
Trichromatic TheoryThe eye is made up of four different types of light sensing cells:
This theory was developed by Thomas Young and Hermann von Helmholtz after having people adjust the intensity of a number of different colored light sources to reproduce a specified color. Young and Helmholtz saw that three different colored lights (color primaries) were required to match any color they could specify.
After Images Not Explained?Some color researchers suggest that, although trichromatic theory is useful, it doesn't answer all color phenomena, afterimages, for example.
As you stare at the dot, fatigue of the retinal process occurs. When the image disappears, you see the complimentary colors.
We Think After Images Are ExplainedWe, however, believe that the trichromatic theory does provide an explanation for after images. It is well known that a nerve that has fired requires additional time to recharge and fire again. What is less well known, or easily forgotten, is that the cones seem to adjust to various brightnesses over time and will fire periodically regardless of the level of light. (Have you ever see colors in the dark?) After looking at a particular color for a period of time, that color cone is tired and fires less frequently then the other cones which have not been firing.
Opponent Process TheoryAlthough our eyes see color according to the trichromatic theory, our brain kicks in and uses the opponent process theory. It examines the relative strength of the cones using opponent pairs in this pattern:
Read more about the opponent process theory. |
Facts and Fiction
Color and Eyesight
Benhams Disk
Chromatic Adaptation
Color Blindness
Color Discrimination
Color Sensitivity
Gender Differences
Trichromatic Theory
Eye Color
Peripheral Vision
Blind Spot
Night Vision
Aging Effects
Hold Time Timing
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